Want to help make N.t.s a success?
Thank you for your interest in helping with Night to Shine 2025! We are excited to host this great event. There are two main ways you can help:
1. Paparazzi: One of biggest needs for the event is a large crowd of volunteers who will act as "paparazzi" for our guests. We need people who will be outside at the entrance of the event cheering for our guests, taking pictures, holding signs, making our quests feel extra special! More info. to come.
2. Donate. Even though this is not going to be an in-person event, it is still a fairly expensive thing to host. The more financial support from the community, the more we are able to pour out love and truly make them feel like Kings and Queens. To donate you can click HERE or send your donation to OVCC- 55 West Avenue, Ocean View, DE. 19970